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vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in two moves Selfmate in two moves
British Chess Magazine Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement
664. 665.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{DpDR!Wdw} {DwDW0Wdw}
{w)b4WdNd} {wDw$rdpd}
{$ndkDpdW} {Dwdn)w)b}
{W)wdr0WD} {N$wdwdN1}
{DW)K0BDW} {gpDkdW0W}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in two moves Selfmate in two moves
Bristol Mercury Hackney Mercury
200 baird: 700 chess problems
666. [666a.]
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{0w0WdWdw} {DWgw0WDW}
{PgwDQdwd} {W0piqDRG}
{0wiw0w0w} {DWHWDW)W}
{nDpdPdpd} {W)WDWIp0}
{4wGwIp)W} {DWDrHWDW}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in two moves Selfmate in two moves
Glasgow Weekly Herald
Hon. Men., 1897
[666b.] 667.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{DWgw0WdW} {hNdWdWdw}
{W0piqDRG} {w0wDWdwd}
{DWHWDw)W} {DP0Pdw$w}
{W)WDWIp0} {wDKdk4Rh}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in two moves Selfmate in two moves
Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement
Economised version of
previous problem
self-mate problems 201
668. 669.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{dWdWdWdp} {dN)pdWdw}
{wdwDpdw1} {Rdw0kdn$}
{gpGwHwDw} {dPDWhwDw}
{w)whpdW$} {wDrGK0WD}
{$W0wiwDW} {DWdPdPDN}
{WdwDpDQ)} {BdwDwDWD}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in two moves Selfmate in two moves
Weekly Gazette (Montreal) Nottingham Guardian
670. 671.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{gWDQdWdw} {dWDWdb!P}
{W0NdwdwD} {WdNdwdwI}
{dB$WdwDw} {dWDpdwDw}
{wHqDWdWD} {wDwDWiWD}
{DWiWdW0W} {0WGW$WdW}
{P4wDpDPD} {qdwDw)WD}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in three moves Selfmate in three moves
Rossendale Free Press British Chess Magazine
202 baird: 700 chess problems
672. 673.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{dWDrdRDN} {1WDwdW)N}
{WdpdkdPg} {P)BdwdRd}
{dW)wdw0w} {!bDwiw0w}
{w!wDPdpD} {wDwDWdPD}
{wdwDw)WD} {wdw)w)WD}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in three moves Selfmate in three moves
Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement British Chess Magazine
674. 675.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{dWHwdWDQ} {hW$wdW0r}
{WDWdwdrd} {WDWdwdNd}
{DwIw0wdw} {Dw)kdPdp}
{w)wDkdWH} {RDwDwdWI}
{dWDWDqDW} {dpDW!p)P}
{wdPDb)BD} {wdWDw)Wh}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in three moves Selfmate in three moves
Bristol Mercury Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement
self-mate problems 203
676. 677.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in three moves Selfmate in three moves
British Chess Magazine Glasgow Weekly Herald
678. 679.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{WDWGBDn4} {WDWDb$wd}
{RDnDkDW0} {WDwDwDR!}
{DP)WdRdW} {DWDkdWdW}
{W0KDwDN4} {B)W0wDWd}
{dPDQDwDp} {dW0KDwDw}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in three moves Selfmate in three moves
British Chess Magazine Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement
204 baird: 700 chess problems
680. 681.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{WDWDwGwh} {WDWhwDwG}
{DpDWDWdw} {hw!WDNdw}
{WHpDpDWh} {WgPDk)W$}
{DpIwiW)W} {Dw0w0W0W}
{WHW$wDWd} {WDpDPDpd}
{dWdWgwDB} {dWdRIw0W}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in three moves Selfmate in three moves
Boy s Own Paper British Chess Magazine
Nearly one-half of the B.C.M.
solvers were credited with having
found a second solution.
682. 683.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{WDBdwDwD} {WDWdwDwD}
{dpDWDpdw} {dwHWDpdw}
{b)WDw$WD} {wDWDw)WD}
{0R4kdK0W} {dWdQdKdW}
{)W!pDwdW} {DWDwiwdW}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in three moves Selfmate in three moves
British Chess Magazine British Chess Magazine
self-mate problems 205
684. 685.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{dp)PDpdw} {dwDWDw0b}
{w)WIw)WD} {wDWDwDWD}
{dWdBGW)W} {dpdkDnDR}
{RDwDWDWd} {w)w0WDWd}
{DWDkgw!W} {gWDKdwDW}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in three moves Selfmate in three moves
Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement Hackney Mercury
686. 687.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{dwDWDwdB} {dwGWDwHW}
{wDWDw)W$} {w0WgB$pD}
{0wdwDwiW} {dPdpip$W}
{P0QdWDW0} {WdW0WDp)}
{dK0P)wDP} {dWdPDpIW}
{WDPDb$wH} {WHWDw)wD}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in three moves Selfmate in three moves
British Chess Magazine Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement
206 baird: 700 chess problems
688. 689.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{dwDRDwDW} {0wHW0wDW}
{wdWdWHwD} {w0WdPDwD}
{)WiwdwDW} {DP0PIwDW}
{BdpdWHwD} {W!BdW)wG}
{dpIWDwDW} {dw4WDRhW}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in four moves Selfmate in four moves
Hackney Mercury British Chess Magazine
690. 691.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{wDWDbDWd} {wDWDwgWd}
{HwDPdpDW} {DBGWdw0W}
{BdWdWGw0} {WdWdW)wd}
{DWdp0QDP} {DWiwdbDR}
{dwdWDW)W} {dPIW0WDW}
{WDW)wDWd} {WDW)wDWd}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in four moves Selfmate in four moves
British Chess Magazine British Chess Magazine
self-mate problems 207
692. 693.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{whWDBdWd} {wdWDWdWd}
{hNGWdwdW} {dpDWdwdQ}
{WdWdk)wd} {b)WdPDwd}
{DWdRdwDp} {DpdBdw)w}
{wDP!W$W0} {wGWDWDWd}
{dwDW)K0N} {dwDWiN0W}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in four moves Selfmate in four moves
British Chess Magazine British Chess Magazine
694. 695.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{wdWDWdWd} {wdkDWdWd}
{dwDWGw!B} {dpDNDwDR}
{wDWdphw0} {b)Wdw)wd}
{Dp$biwDp} {DpDwdwDB}
{w)W$pDW)} {wHWGwDPD}
{dwDPIPdW} {dw0KDWdW}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in four moves Selfmate in five moves
British Chess Magazine British Chess Magazine
208 baird: 700 chess problems
696. 697.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{wdwDNdWd} {wdwDWdW$}
{dwDpDw!W} {gwDwDNDW}
{w0W)kDwH} {w0WDpDwD}
{DPDwdwDW} {DPDw0w0W}
{wGK)n$rD} {wDWDRDPD}
{dwdPDWdB} {dwdkDKdW}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in five moves Selfmate in five moves [*]
British Chess Magazine British Chess Magazine
698. 699.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
{wdNDWdWg} {wdWDW!Wd}
{dwDwDNDW} {dw$wDBDW}
{wdWDwDwD} {wdWDqDwD}
{$pDw0wdW} {DwDkGRHW}
{w)k0BDWD} {wDwHWDW)}
{)wdRDWdp} {DwdWDpdK}
{W)WDWDp)} {WDWDW)w)}
vllllllllV vllllllllV
Selfmate in five moves Selfmate in six moves
British Chess Magazine British Chess Magazine
self-mate problems 209
Selfmate in six moves
British Chess Magazine
1. 1. Qd2 6. 1. Sd5 9.  cont.
1. ... c×d2 2. Rd7! 1. ... Ke6 2. Q×g4! 1. ... Q×f2 2. Qb6/c3
1. ... other 2. Q×d5! 1. ... S6 any 2. S(×)e7! 1. ... other 2. Qb6!
1. ... S4 any 2. S(×)e3!
2. 1. Bg2 10. 1. Qf1
1. ... R any 2. S(×)g7!
1. ... e×d6 2. Qe1! 1. ... Kc4 2. Be6!
1. ... other 2. Q(×)e4!
1. ... e×f6 2. Sf8! 1. ... Ke4 2. Qg2!
1. ... f4 2. Bh3! 7. 1. Sg2 1. ... R any 2. Sf6!
1. ... other 2. Bd5! 1. ... Kc4 2. S×e3! 1. ... S any 2. Q×d3!
1. ... Ke6 2. Qd6! 1. ... g×f4/g4 2. Sfd6!
3. 1. Be3
1. ... S×h5 2. Qg8!
1. ... K×e5 2. Se4! 11. 1. Bd2
1. ... Se6 2. S×e3!
1. ... Kc5 2. Qa5! 1. ... Ke5 2. Qh8!
1. ... Se8 2. Bf7!
1. ... S×e6 2. B×e6! 1. ... K×c5 2. Be3!
1. ... Sc4 2. Sf4!
1. ... Sd other 2. e7! 1. ... f4 2. Se6!
1. ... S2 other 2. Qb3! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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