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Physicallie to consider upon the naturall humour of melancholie, according to all the
Physicians, that ever write thereupon , they sall find that that will be
over short a cloak to cover their knavery with: For as the humor of Melancholie in the
selfe is blacke, heavie and terrene, so are the symptomes thereof, in any personses that
are subject thereunto, leannes, palenes, desire of solitude: and if they come to the highest
degree thereof, mere folie and manie: where as by the contrarie, a great nomber of them
thatever have bene convict or confessors of Witchcraft, as may be presently seene by
manie that have at this time confessed: they are by the contrarie, I say, some of them rich
and worldly-wise, some of them fatte or corpulent in their bodies, and most part of them
altogether given over to the pleasures of the flesh, continual haunting of companie, and
all kind of merrines, both lawfull and unlawfull, which are thinges directly contrary to the
symptomes of Melancholie, whereof I spake, and further experience daylie proves how
loath they are to confesse without torture, which witnesseth their guiltines, where by the
contrary, the Melancholicques never spares to bewray themselves, by their continuall
A Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com
discourses, feeding therby their humor in that which they thinke no crime. As to your
third reason, it scarelie merites an answere. For if the devill their master were not bridled,
as the scriptures teacheth us, suppose there were no men nor women to be his
instrumentes, he could finde waies inough without anie helpe of others to wrack al
mankinde: whereunto he employes his whole study, and goeth about like a roaring lyon
(as PETER saith) [I. Pet.5.] to that effect, but the limites of his power were set down
before the
foundations of the world were laid, which he hath not power in the least jote to
transgresse. But beside all this, there is over greate a certainty to prove that they are, by
the daily experience of the harmes that they do, both to men, and whatsoever thing men
possesses, whome God will permit them to be the instrumentes, so to trouble or visite, as
in my discourse of that arte, yee shall heare clearlie proved.
The Etymologie and signification of that word of Sorce-
rie. The first entresse and prentishippe of them that gives themselves to that
PHI. Come on then I pray you, and returne where ye left.
EPI. This word of Sorcerie is a Latine worde, which is taken from casting of the lot, &
therefore he that useth it, is called Sortiarius a sorte. As to the word of Witchcraft, it is
nothing but a proper name given in our language. The cause wherefore they were called
sortiary, proceeded of their practicques seeming to come of lot or chance: Such as the
turning of the riddle: the knowing of the forme of prayers, or such like tokens: If a person
diseased would live or dye. And in generall, that name was given them for using of such
charmes, and freites, as that Crafte teacheth them. Manie poynts of their craft and
practicques are common
betuixt the Magicians and them: for they serve both one Master, althought in diverse
fashions. And as I devided the
Necromancers, into two sorts, learned and unlearned; so must I devie them in other two,
riche and of better accompt, poore and of basser degree. These two degrees now of
persones, that practises this craft, answers to the passions in them, which (I told you
before) the Devil used as meanes to intyse them to his service, for such of them as are in
great miserie and povertie, he allures to follow him, by promising unto them greate
riches, and worldlie commoditie. Such as though riche, yet burnes in a desperat desire of
revenge, hee allures them by promises, to get their turne satisfied to their hartes
contentment. It is to be noted nowe, that that olde and craftie enemie of ours, assailes
none, though touched with any of these two extremities, except he first finde an entresse
reddy for him, either by the great ignorance of the person he deales with, joyned with an [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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